Understanding the Importance of Mental Health Awareness and Training

At MoreCPD we know how important mental health awareness is, and how having Mental Health Courses as part of your Continuing Professional Development schedule is increasingly important. With multiple Mental Health Awareness courses available in our portfolio, we thought it would be good to discuss the importance of mental health awareness and the benefits of training.

The Importance of Mental Health Awareness

Mental health awareness and mental health courses have emerged as crucial components in modern society, with the importance of taking care of our mental health, and that of those around us, becoming more recognised. The proliferation of social media has increased the level of discussion of our mental health and while physical health often takes precedence in public discourse, (and a gym workout seems infinitely more TikTok content worthy and “grammable”), mental well-being is equally significant, if not more so, in shaping people’s overall quality of life. 

Who would benefit from completing a Mental Health Course?

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of looking after our mental health, leading to increased efforts to raise awareness and provide training to address mental health issues effectively.

If you work with children or vulnerable adults, the benefits of mental health awareness training have probably been extolled to you on numerous occasions. 

However, if you work in other sectors, or just as an addition to your Continuing Professional Development there are some Mental Health Courses online that are beneficial and just as important to consider. 

Here are some of the reasons why:

Reducing Stigma

Mental health awareness courses play a pivotal role in reducing the stigma surrounding mental health issues and illnesses. 

By improving our knowledge, fostering open conversations and promoting understanding, increased mental health awareness allows individuals to challenge misconceptions and stereotypes in their social circles and employment groups. This goes a long way in encouraging individuals to seek help without fear of judgement or discrimination.

Early Intervention

Improved mental health awareness facilitates early intervention, which is critical in preventing mental health issues from escalating into crisis situations. 

Recognising warning signs and symptoms in both ourselves and others empowers individuals to seek or offer timely support.

Promoting Well-being 

Mental health awareness extends beyond addressing disorders; it encompasses promoting overall well-being and resilience. Educating individuals about self-care practices, stress management techniques, and healthy coping strategies empowers them to prioritise their mental health and build emotional resilience to navigate life’s challenges effectively.  

In the UK, over 8 million people are experiencing an anxiety disorder at any one time. 

Each week in England, 6 in 100 people experience generalised anxiety disorder. Mental Health Courses Online such as Anxiety Awareness are short courses perfectly designed to give the latest information and guidance for helping people understand anxiety.

Enhancing Support within communities

Overall, increased awareness fosters a more supportive environment for those experiencing mental health difficulties.

Mental Health Courses encourage friends, family members, colleagues, and communities to offer empathy, understanding, and practical assistance, thereby reducing feelings of isolation and fostering a sense of belonging.

The improved knowledge these courses bring enables people to recognise the symptoms of mental health issues and offer the care and advice required. 

Here at MoreCPD we are passionate about online training and the growth of our learners. We focus not only on knowledge, but application too, and our Mental Health Courses Online will give you the tools and resources to ensure you continuously learn and develop to excel in your career and your personal life. 

Our courses are designed to cater to every level of understanding, whether you’re a beginner or an expert. We work with industry experts and professionals to ensure that you get to learn from the best. 

You can start your course as soon as you sign up and enjoy a seamless journey with us. 


Learn at your own pace, with instant access to your online training course and instant access to your certificate when you complete it. 

That’s not all, our courses have been created by industry experts and use our research-tested design to ensure you get the best possible learning experience.


If you can’t decide which of our selection of Mental Health Awareness courses would be best for you, get in touch and we’ll discuss your Continuing Professional Development plan together and come up with the perfect course for you.

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