Understanding IOSH and the Importance of CPD Courses Online

One of the organisations helping people with their Continuing Professional Development is the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). Let’s take a look at who they are and why considering an IOSH course is a valuable step towards your personal and professional development.

What is IOSH?

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) is the world’s chartered body for safety and health professionals. They are committed to enhancing health, safety and well-being in workplaces across various industries. 

Since being established in 1945, IOSH has grown to become recognised worldwide as the hallmark of professional excellence in workplace safety and health.

Importance of CPD Courses

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) has become imperative, both for workers seeking career growth and employers looking to maintain a highly skilled, motivated workforce. 

IOSH courses offer a structured approach to professional development, especially when taken online, they offer the flexibility for workers to enhance their skills without affecting their day to day duties.

The convenience of online learning allows participants to access the courses from anywhere, at any time.

IOSH Managing Safely

IOSH Courses for Professional Development?

Many people don’t realise that IOSH courses extend beyond traditional Health and Safety topics to cover broader aspects of business.

IOSH recognises that professional development encompasses more than just technical skills. Professionals can take courses that integrate Health and Safety with overall business strategy such as understanding regulations, designing with health and safety in mind, employee support and stress management among others.  IOSH offers courses that focus on leadership, communication, and management – all crucial elements for career advancement.

Can Training Make A Difference?

Recently released HSE statistics reveal that 1.8 million workers reported they were suffering from work-related ill health in 2022/23, which results in an estimated 35.2 million working days being lost due to self-reported work-related ill health or injury.

The key figures for Great Britain are:

  • 1.8 million working people suffering from a work-related illness, of which
    • 875,000 workers suffering work-related stress, depression or anxiety
    • 473,000 workers suffering from a work-related musculoskeletal disorder
  • 2,268 mesothelioma deaths due to past asbestos exposures (2021)
  • 135 workers killed in work-related accidents
  • 561,000 working people sustained an injury at work according to the Labour Force Survey
  • 60,645 injuries to employees reported under RIDDOR
  • 35.2 million working days lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury
  • £20.7 billion estimated cost of injuries and ill health from current working conditions (2021/22)

More than 65% of frontline workers surveyed believe that some of the injuries sustained in their workplace were preventable had there been a better level of training in place. 

A mere 25% of respondents said they’d received any form of valuable training from their employer which helped them improve in their jobs.

So, Why IOSH?

Investing in an IOSH course is not just about fulfilling a regulatory requirement, it’s a strategic move towards professional and personal growth.

With a focus on health and safety, coupled with the flexibility of online learning, IOSH’s courses offer a continuing professional development pathway for individuals to enhance their skills. 

IOSH qualifications are recognised in over 130 countries around the world which brings further benefit to you if your work takes you abroad and opens up more channels for your business.

As the largest Safety and Health organisation in the world, receiving your IOSH qualification gains you globally recognised accreditation.  

Here at MoreCPD we are passionate about online training and the growth of our learners. We focus not only on knowledge, but application too and IOSH courses will give you the tools and resources to ensure you continuously learn and develop to excel in your career. 

Our courses are designed to cater to every level of understanding, whether you’re a beginner or an expert. We work with industry experts and professionals to ensure that you get to learn from the best. 

You can start your course as soon as you sign up and enjoy a seamless journey with us. 

Learn at your own pace, with instant access to your online training course and instant access to your certificate when you complete it. That’s not all, our courses have been created by industry experts like IOSH and use our research-tested design to ensure you get the best possible learning experience.

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