The Advantages of Online Training Courses

Traditionally, on-site/in-person training sessions are the goto method for delivering Continuing Professional Development (CPD) but with the rapidly evolving technological landscape, online training courses are more accessible than ever before.Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of online CPD training.

Transforming The Landscape Of Training

In the ever evolving landscape of business, Continuing Professional Development is integral to success. Traditionally that has meant businesses needed to organise in-person training sessions to upskill their workforce. This often meant a loss of man hours both organising the training and requiring a half or full day away from the workplace.

Now, thanks to rapid advancement in technology, businesses are recognising the benefits that online training has to offer and there is an increasing shift towards online learning. 

These courses are being recognised for being a much more versatile and efficient way of delivering training for Continuing Professional Development.

What Are The Advantages?

There are many advantages that online CPD courses have over their in-person counterparts,  some of which are:



One of the most obvious advantages of online training courses is the flexibility they provide to both employees and employers. 

An in-person training session requires a lot of organisation by the employer and a fixed schedule both for the employer and attendees, which of course becomes a longer period of time the larger the workforce.

These time constraints make it challenging for people with busy schedules and already demanding workloads.


Online CPD courses eliminate these time constraints by allowing participants to access the training at their own pace and at times that are convenient for them. This gives participants the flexibility to balance their professional and personal commitments, without compromising their training objectives.

Flexible e-learning
cost effectiveness of self-learning

Cost Effectiveness

Another huge advantage of online CPD courses is their cost effectiveness, this especially makes them a truly attractive option for smaller businesses. 

The costs of in person training can quickly add up. Venue hire, travel expenses, printed material costs and lost man hours all take a chunk out of a business’s training budget. 

Online training does away with the need for a physical place to deliver the training and no printed materials are required. These two things alone result in quite significant cost savings.


I’m sure a lot of us have been in the situation where we have (or are) a new starter with the company and require a certain course but put it off until we have enough people to make it financially viable, so we just get them to shadow someone for a while until they pick it up and eventually get the training. Not ideal. 


Online training courses overcome this by providing a scalable solution that can accommodate anything from a single employee to an entire workforce, so whether a business is onboarding a single new employee, or rolling something out company wide the courses scale accordingly. 


This allows businesses to effectively and more efficiently train their workforce without the logistical challenges that come with traditional in-person training sessions.


Online CPD courses excel in providing interactive, engaging course materials which are crucial to effective learning. Multimedia elements, simulations and interactive scenarios create a fun, interesting and engaging learning experience.


The dynamic nature of an online course increases retention of information and participants often report feeling they have a better understanding of the content than from a similar in-person course. In-person courses often rely on static, powerpoint heavy monologues of training information which are far less engaging and lack interactivity so attention levels fall sharply, especially after lunch. 


The more interactive nature of online learning makes the courses more enjoyable for participants and contributes to the overall effectiveness of the course.

Is online training for me?

As you can see, there are vast benefits of online courses for Continual Professional Development, which range from flexibility and cost effectiveness to scalability and interactivity.

In this increasingly digital world, agility and adaptability are pivotal to success, and online CPD courses offer a fresh approach to professional development.

As tech continues to advance, online training will play an increasing role in the future of CPD training.

Online courses use interactive tasks, videos and written guidance to break down the content into smaller, more manageable chunks. They are flexible, so you can pause your training at any time, which allows you to study at your own pace and revisit the content as much as you need. They also offer plenty of opportunities to test and embed your knowledge as you move through the modules. 

Here at MoreCPD we are passionate about online training and the development of our learners. We focus not only on knowledge, but application too, and all of our courses will give you the tools and resources to ensure you continuously learn and develop to excel in your career. 

Our courses are designed to cater to every level of understanding, whether you’re a beginner or an expert. We work with industry experts and professionals to ensure that you get to learn from the best. 

You can start your course as soon as you sign up and enjoy a seamless journey with us. 

Learn at your own pace, with instant access to your online training course and instant access to your certificate when you complete it. 

That’s not all, our courses have been created by industry experts and use our research-tested design to ensure you get the best possible learning experience.

Are you ready to get started? Find your perfect online course today.

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