Understanding Safeguarding Courses: The Importance and Benefits of Training

Let’s take a look at what safeguarding actually means, why safeguarding courses are important, and why you should consider it as one of your CPD courses.

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding means protecting a citizen’s health, wellbeing and human rights; enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.

Safeguarding courses are often divided into Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Adults as there are some differences in these CPD courses and their training outcomes. Typically the level 2 courses are designed for ground level staff and managers, while the level 3 course is designed for safeguarding leads and those who need to know more. 

Safeguarding children means protecting children from abuse and maltreatment, preventing harm to children’s health or development. This ensures that children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care, taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes. 

Safeguarding adults means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.

If you are working with children and young people you may be eager to attend an OFSTED approved safeguarding course however, there is actually no such thing as an OFSTED approved course when it comes to safeguarding.

OFSTED will want to see evidence of learning outcomes for any safeguarding courses you have taken, and for many roles such as those in schools or childminding it is a legal requirement to have current safeguarding training certificates, but OFSTED don’t approve any safeguarding courses from any training providers. 

Why Should I Consider Safeguarding Courses?

Safeguarding refers to the actions taken to protect the well-being and rights of individuals, especially those who may be vulnerable or at risk of harm.

It spans various sectors, including healthcare, education, social services, and more.

Safeguarding training is crucial for individuals across different professions and roles to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to create a safe environment for everyone.

The focus of safeguarding courses is not only on what to do when responding to incidents, but also on implementing preventative measures and creating a culture that prioritises the safety and well-being of all.

On undertaking a safeguarding course you will learn more about topics such as protecting individuals from various forms of abuse such as physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse. You’ll learn about risk identification and implementing measures to prevent harm.

The course will cover areas such as prevention of neglect, ensuring well-being, and upholding the rights and dignity of individuals. You’ll also learn about effective responses, including reporting, investigation and intervention.

online safeguarding courses
CPD accredited safeguarding training

Is Safeguarding a necessary CPD Course?

Many professions have a legal obligation to safeguard individuals, especially the vulnerable.

Safeguarding courses ensure you are aware of the requirements and are in compliance.

Safeguarding underlines the importance for professionals to uphold standards to ensure the well-being and dignity of everyone they are involved with.

Completing a safeguarding course will give you the skills to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities and take proactive steps to mitigate the risks.

You will gain more knowledge of how creating a culture of safety within your organisation will be beneficial to everybody and the training will increase your confidence in reporting concerns.

Effective communication is a cornerstone of safeguarding, so safeguarding training will provide you with the skills to communicate concerns, collaborate with colleagues, and engage with individuals in a respectful and sensitive manner, which is a highly transferable skill.

Safeguarding courses keep you updated on evolving risks, legal changes, and best practices.

Continuing Professional Development courses ensure that professionals can adapt to new challenges and improve their safeguarding practices over time.

So as you can see, undertaking a safeguarding course is crucial for individuals across various professions as it not only fulfils legal and ethical obligations, but also equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to create a safe and supportive environment for everyone.

By investing in safeguarding training, you’ll contribute to the creation of a culture that prioritises the protection and well-being of all.

Here at MoreCPD we are passionate about online training and the growth of our learners. We focus not only on knowledge, but application too, and our courses will give you the tools and resources to ensure you continuously learn and develop to excel in your career. 

Our courses are designed to cater to every level of understanding, whether you’re a beginner or an expert. We work with industry experts and professionals to ensure that you get to learn from the best. 

You can start your course as soon as you sign up and enjoy a seamless journey with us. 

Learn at your own pace, with instant access to your online training course and instant access to your certificate when you complete it. 

That’s not all, our courses have been created by industry experts and use our research-tested design to ensure you get the best possible learning experience.

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